Jan 22, 2010

Obama Watch: Traitor

Traitor to what? Not just those who elected him, not just those overseas who believed in him, not just the Guantanamo prisoners. He has betrayed the Constitution. Just as President Bush authorized indefinite imprisonment without charge (like the Soviet Union's gulags) so President Obama has decided to continue the practice, as he eluded to in his May "civil liberties speech." Here's Glenn Greenwald's analysis of the announcement.

I conducted my protest with the assumption that President Obama was going to fulfill his executive order (happy anniversary) to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay. I was worried about Bagram. But now, he's keeping 50 people there because they're too dangerous to release, based off of confessions obtained via torture.

In addition, Scott Horton's piece in Harper's Weekly exposes the supposed suicide deaths of three prisoners in Guantanamo as murders. Murders, that is, by their American jailers/torturers/interrogators.

Of course, given Obama's suspension of the Constitution in setting up a gulag, the Justice Dept will take no interest in investigating these claims, much less prosecuting someone who was actually responsible.

We live in an increasingly lawless state.


  1. well, obviously "dangerous" prisoners should be kept there. where do you want them to be, roaming free all over the earth, free to bomb more world trade centers?

    those same type of people tortured/jailed/interrogated MANY americans, but I don't hear you complaining about them. typical.

    I'm not saying that everything President Bush did was good, or everyone kept in Guatanamo should have been there, but there are certain terrorists that needed to be taken there. and need to STAY there.

  2. oh, and by the way? after all you guys did supporting Obsama, now of course you are going against him. now THAT is typical.

  3. Let me create a hypothetical situation. It's a dark and rainy night in Oakland, CA. The police receive an anonymous tip that a certain man killed someone. The police go to the man's apartment, stuff him in a car, take him to an interrogation room, torture him in order to obtain a confession, and hold him in prison for years without ever charging him with a crime.

    We need law enforcement to protect us from crime. But we also need laws to protect us from our government. If that hypothetical man is a murderer, PLEASE lock him away. But if he's not, then that victim could be me, you, a father, husband, friend, or neighbor.

    So if the prisoners at Guantanamo are terrorists, try them in court. We did that to Timothy McVeigh, an evil, evil terrorist. We're doing that to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. So do it to those at Guantanamo. But the fact remains that the Bush Admin cleared for release two of the men killed by our military/intelligence service:http://harpers.org/archive/2010/01/hbc-90006368 (Section 7)

  4. My question to you is: what is one supposed to do to the President? Your criticism seems to make me think you are the un-democratic one. It's our republican duty to criticize and hold to account those that we elect. If we didn't, then we'd be making our leaders kings... or Fuhrers, or Chairmen of the Communist Party, or Presidents-for-Life. I suppose you'd love that for Barack Obama!

  5. I agree that the trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a good step and should be repeated as quickly as possible for the rest of the Guantanamo inmates. There is still a lot of ignorance about who is being held in Guantanamo and the crimes they haven't committed.
